round-up 12 1 Futuri Osserva l agenda di Steven e completa le frasi seguenti con il futuro di to be alla forma affermativa / interrogativa / negativa. a. On Monday Steven ...................... in Poland. b. On Tuesday he ...................... in Poland any longer. c. He doesn t know where he ...................... on Wednesday. d. At 8.00 a.m. on Thursday Steven ...................... on a plane to Switzerland. e. On Friday evening he ...................... in Switzerland. f. Where ...................... on Sunday? Y MONDA nce) (confere w o c a r in C TUE 28 28 FRIDAY tract) ign con s ( h c i r Z AY me back ho SDAY WEDNE know Peter to t c a t n o c do what to 2 DAY THURS rich lane to Z p . .m a 8.00 DAY SATUR relax!! Y SUNDA home Completa con il Future Simple dei verbi dati. 29 be exist go have learn play see use School in the future Many people agree that schools in the future (a) ..................... electronic with a capital 'E'. In time to come, schools as we know them (b) longer ..................... . In their place there will probably be community-style centres operating 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Computers will be essential for an effective school. Students (c) ..................... and hear their teachers on computers, with a form of remote learning". Working from their home computers, students (d) ..................... when it is most convenient for them, but some attendance at an actual school will be required to help students to develop social skills. In the school of the future, teachers and students (e) ..................... laptop computers, they (f) ..................... a special telephone system to communicate and to look for information. All lessons (g) ..................... multidisciplinary and the teaching will be individual, with specific learning plans. Computers and technologies (h) ..................... an essential role, but what is and will be important is their interaction with various aspects of life. 254