3 In Rome with Pope Adrian BEFORE READING Chapter 1 At the time of Pope Adrian s papacy (1522-1523) some of these landmarks weren t present in Rome. Circle the ones you think had already been erected. a. Coliseum e. Villa Borghese i. Pantheon b. Spanish Steps f. Trevi Fountain j. Vittoriano c. Baths of Caracalla g. Domus Aurea d. Great Synagogue h. Stadium of Domitian 2 Match these words you will find in the text with their definitions. (Two are extra). a. Forbidden 1. Celebration. b. Temptation 2. When one fails to resist seduction or greed. c. Synod 3. Excited. d. Sarcastic 4. Pious, devout. e. Solemn 5. An assembly of church delegates that discusses and decides on church affairs. f. Feast g. Witness h. Thrilled 6. Grave, not funny, serious. 7. A social gathering for conversation, refreshments, etc. 8. See, hear, or know by personal experience or presence. 9. Meaning the opposite of what is said. 10. Not permitted by order or law. 3 Choose one of the options to make predictions about the story. a. Which means of transport will Mephistopheles and Faustus use to travel around the world? 1. airship 2. horse 3. donkey 4. carriage b. What will Faustus ask the pope for? 1. forgiveness 2. punishment 3. compassion 4. none of the previous c. Which set of objects is used to excommunicate someone? 1. bell feather cross 2. bell book candle 3. candle holy oil book 4. holy water incense candle 40