9.3 Phrasal-prepositional verbs avverbiale combinando ritornare scappare via particella n I phrasal-prepositional verbs contengono sia una particella ......................................................... che una preposizione, come ad esmpio: be up to star facendo/......................................................... qualcosa, catch up on/with raggiungere, come down to risultare, come down with ammalarsi, come up with saltare fuori con, cut down on ridurre (il consumo di), date back to risalire, get away with farla franca/riuscire a cavarsela, get back to ......................................................... su, get on (well) with andare d accordo, give in to cedere a, give oneself up to dedicarsi a, go through with portare a termine/mantenere un impegno, keep up with stare al passo con, live up to vivere all altezza di, look forward to aspettare con ansia/non vedere l ora, look up to ammirare, make up for compensare, miss out on perdere un opportunita, put up with sopportare, run away from ......................................................... da, run out of restare senza, send out for mandare a prendere, stand up for sostenere, take up on sollevare un obiezione, turn away from/walk out on abbandonare n Essi hanno la costruzione: verbo + ......................................................... + preposizione + complemento1 I can t put up with it any more. Non ce la faccio più a sopportarlo. She can t get on with her classmates. Non va d accordo con le sue compagne. 1 + -ing form se si tratta di un verbo. I look forward to meeting you. Non vedo l ora di incontrarti. 10 Scegli l opzione corretta tra quelle proposte in corsivo. 2. Jimmy promised he would immediately make on for/up for/up on his poor results at school. 3. Turn that music down! I can t put up it with/with it up/up with it any more. 4. What are your classmates like? Do you get on with them/get with them on/carry with them on? 5. He s a lucky boy and always succeeds in getting away with/getting far from/getting back to his tricks. 6. Go away out of/Turn away from/Run away with bad company. 7. It s too hard for me. I can t live on to/up to/up on my parents expectations. 8. He s a fantastic person. He deserves to be looked out to/up on/up to. 9.3 Phrasal-prepositional verbs 125 Phrasal verbs e reggenze 1. They had to cut down on/off on/down to electricity.