10.4 Tempi/modi perfect simple had has have (2) not (2) not having participio precedente presente soggetto (2) to have I tempi/modi perfect simple: indicano sempre un azione verificata in un momento ............................................... ad un altro (nel passato, ............................................... o futuro) richiedono l uso dell ausiliare have seguito dal ............................................... passato TEMPO/MODO PERFECT PRESENT FORMA ESEMPI have/ ................................ + part. pass. She has spoken to him. Gli ha parlato. have/has + not + part. pass. He hasn t gone out yet. Non è ancora uscito. have/has + ................................ + part. pass.? Have you done your homework? Hai fatto i compiti? ................................ + part. pass. I had already had lunch when they came. Avevo già pranzato quando vennero. PAST had + ................................ + part. We still hadn t finished packing at that time. pass. Non avevamo ancora finito di preparare le valigie allora. had + ................................ + part. Had they understood it? Lo avevano capito? pass.? shall/will + ................................ + He will have left by then. Sarà partito per allora. part. pass. Modi, tempi, forme dei verbi FUTURE CONDITIONAL shall/will + ................................ + She won t have made up her mind yet. Non avrà have + part. pass. ancora preso una decisione. shall/will + soggetto + have + part. pass.? Will you have sat for the exam? Avrai dato l esame? would + part. pass. He would have called in that case. Avrebbe chiamato in quel caso. would + not + ................................ I wouldn t have finished without your help. Non + part. pass. avrei finito senza il tuo aiuto. would + sogg. + have + part. pass.? Would you have bought it? Tu lo avresti comprato? ................................ + part. pass. He was said to have been in prison. Si diceva che INFINITIVE 140 Modulo 10 fosse stato in prigione. not to have + part. pass. They were said not to have paid their debts. Si diceva che non avessero pagato i loro debiti.