Il passato 1 C Round-up 2 Completa la seguente tabella. TEMPO FORMA USO PAST PROGRESSIVE F.A: sogg. + ..................... + -ing form F.N.: sogg. + was/were + not + -ing form F.I.: was/were + sogg. + -ing form? azione in ..................... in un certo momento passato F.A: sogg. + used + ..................... azione ..................... nel passato, ..................... nel presente 1 USED WOULD F.N.: sogg. + did + not + use + inf. F.I.: did + sogg. + ..................... + inf.? F.A: sogg. + would + f. base F.N.: sogg. + would + not + ..................... F.I.: ..................... + sogg. + f. base? azione abituale nel passato riferita ad una ..................... situazione, ..................... necessariamente ..................... nel presente (non con i verbi che indicano opinione o stato d animo) PAST PERFECT PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE F.A: sogg. + ..................... + part. pass. F.N.: sogg. + had + not + part. pass. F.I.: ..................... + sogg. + part. pass.? azione compiuta in un momento ..................... a quello ..................... di cui stiamo parlando durata dell azione nel passato con i verbi che rifiutano le forme progressive F.A: sogg. + had + ..................... + part. pass. F.N.: sogg. + had + ..................... + been + part. pass. F.I.: had + ..................... + been + part. pass.? ..................... dell azione nel passato Be used to + ......................... si riferisce, invece, ad un abitudine presente e get ......................... + -ing form all acquisizione di un abitudine. 1 2 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi alla forma negativa e interrogativa. 1. She used to play in the woods near her granny s house. 2. He would cycle for hours. 3. Kathleen had bought a pair of jeans in that shop. 4. My cat was licking his whiskers. 5. He had been sleeping in his bedroom. 6. The child used to tell lies. 3 Scegli la forma corretta tra quelle proposte in corsivo. 1. I have become very lazy now but years ago I would jog/used to jog/had jogged for an hour every morning before breakfast. 2. When/While the teacher went into the classroom all the kids ran/used to run/were running around the desks.3. I had already done/would do/had already been doing the shopping and had been going/was going/would go out of the shopping centre when I met Steve. 4. We would play/were playing/had played in the fields when we went to the countryside. 5. How long had you been preparing/would you prepare/were you preparing for the Anatomy exam? For/ Since four months. 6. They sent us away before we were saying/said/had said a word! 7. What had 36 C C Modulo 2