S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 The play contains a pun in its title. Read the definition of pun, and then explain what it refers to using your own words. Pun: the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same. ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 It is possible to find many parallelisms between characters and situations and many predictions that become true in the story. Match each explanation to the situation/characters and then explain it using your own words. a. Lane and Merriman s loyalty to their masters ................................................. b. Algernon and Jack s relationship towards cucumber sandwiches and muffins .................................................................................................................................... c. Gwendolen and Cecily calling each other sisters .......................................... d. Jack s and Algernon s proposals ............................................................................... e. Gwendolen s and Cecily s journals ......................................................................... f. Jack s and Algernon s alter egos ............................................................................... 1. They are supposed to make them but they simply repeat them. 2. They know when to be silent and support their masters. 3. They are supposedly known but always surprising, apparently. 4. They pretend to eat them all because they re theirs . 5. They stick together after they have quarrelled. 6. They need an easy way out of normal life. 3 Match each character to its description. a. Algernon b. Jack c. Gwendolen 1. She s a strong-willed young woman who fights for what she wants. 2. He s a serious and respectable young man who escapes from his responsibilities now and then. 3. He s a simple and not particularly brilliant man who believes that everyone is good. 102