A proposal and an interview BEFORE READING 2 Chapter 1 Read the title of the new chapter and try and predict what is going to happen. Complete the sentences with the given names. Gwendolen Jack Ernest Lady Bracknell a. ........................................... will entertain ........................................... in the dining room while ............................................... proposes. b. ............................................... will propose to ............................................... . c. ............................................... will accept the proposal. d. ............................................... will not tell ..................................................... about his double identity. e. ............................................... will not be happy with the proposal. f. ............................................... will interview ............................................... to find out if he s a suitable candidate for her daughter ............................................... . g. ............................................ will be sad that her mother, ........................................., won t let her marry ............................................... . h. .................................................... and ................................................... will go to dinner together. 2 Imagine a marriage proposal from the late nineteenth century. What elements do you think it would contain? How would you describe it? Where would it take place? 3 Tick the information Lady Bracknell might want to know about Jack to check that he would be a suitable husband for her daughter. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. his job his income his hobbies and interests his politics his family his love for her daughter his house his future projects 22