Another proposal and a quarrel BEFORE READING 4 Chapter 1 Read the title of the next chapter and say whether you think these actions are likely to happen. Probable Improbable a. Cecily will propose to Algernon. b. Dr Chasuble will propose to Miss Prism. c. Algernon will propose to Cecily. d. Miss Prism will propose to Dr Chasuble. e. Dr Chasuble and Miss Prism will quarrel. f. Algernon and Jack will quarrel. g. Cecily and Algernon will quarrel. h. Gwendolen and Jack will quarrel. i. Cecily and Gwendolen will quarrel. j. Jack will be christened. k. Algernon will leave. l. Gwendolen will meet Cecily. m. Cecily and Gwendolen will find out they re engaged to the same man. n. Algernon will confess the truth about Bunbury to Cecily. 2 Read the following steps of an ideal love story and put them in the order you expect them to happen. a. Fancy b. Go out with c. Date d. Get married to e. Ask out f. Get engaged to g. Fall in love with h. Get on well with i. Live together ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. 3 Use the verbs in the previous activity to write a very small love story between a young man and a young woman whose names you can invent. ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 53