More problems and secrets revealed BEFORE READING 6 Chapter 1 Tick the secrets and revelations you think may be declared in this last chapter of the story. The readers will find out a. that Dr Chasuble is Mr Worthing s real father. b. that Algernon can t marry Cecily because she is already engaged to another man. c. who Jack s real parents are. d. how Jack was abandoned and then found. e. that Miss Prism is Jack s mother. f. that Jack can t marry Gwendolen because he s her brother. g. that Lord Bracknell is Dr Chasuble s brother. h. who is going to solve the secret of Jack s birth. i. if Lady Bracknell will allow her daughter to marry Jack. j. that Jack won t allow Algernon to marry his ward. k. how Jack will convince Lady Bracknell to let him marry Gwendolen. l. that Miss Prism will propose to Dr Chasuble. 2 Here are some words you will find in the chapter. Match them to their synonym. a. proud 1. untruthful ................................................ b. to gain 2. increase .................................................... c. mark 3. to refute, to oppose ......................... d. carelessly 4. public embarrassment ....................... e. governess 5. arrogant ................................................... f. dishonest 6. thoughtlessly ......................................... g. to overlook 7. dumbfounded ...................................... h. to deny 8. to disregard ........................................... i. accumulation 9. absurd ....................................................... j. grotesque 10. stain ............................................................ k. scandal 11. to acquire ............................................... l. speechless 12. tutor .......................................................... 82