3 The Virgin Queen Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. You are going to read a summary of the events which happened in the previous two chapters. In it there are three evident historical mistakes. Find them and correct them. Henry VIII had three children from three of his six wives: Mary (the daughter of the Catholic Catherine of Aragon), Elizabeth (Anne Boleyn s daughter) and Edward (his first son, from his fifth wife Jane Seymour). Elizabeth and Mary never became close while with Edward Elizabeth established a bond. Edward was six years old when Henry VIII died, and he became king. Soon after his death, Mary became queen. She was married to Philip of Spain and wished to restore Catholic traditions. She persecuted the Catholics and, thinking that her sister was involved in a plot against her, sent her to the Tower. Elizabeth was set free only after Mary s death. 2 These sentences except two reflect Queen Elizabeth s private life. Tick the ones you think are incorrect. Then, as you read the chapter, check your answers. She was superstitious. She had a long-term lover. She liked to wear very simple clothes. Her ladies-in-waiting had to wear clothes similar to hers. She liked dancing and singing. She liked being adored. She had her food tasted because of a fear of poison. 3 Tick the areas you think had a significant development during the Elizabethan era. Then, as you read the chapter, check your answers. Science Navigation Technology Sport Exploration of distant lands Architecture Trade Health The Golden Hind sailed the world under the command of Francis Drake. 38