2 Secret Plans Act BEFORE READING 1 predictions. tick what you think is going to happen in the story. a. Romeo and Tybalt meet outside the Capulets house and fight. b. Romeo leaves his friends and looks for Juliet. c. Romeo and Juliet meet in the Capulets garden and argue. d. Lord Capulet orders Juliet to marry Paris. e. Juliet stands on her balcony and Romeo tells her he wants to marry her. f. The nurse doesn t want to help Juliet because she prefers Paris to Romeo. g. Romeo and Juliet get married in secret. h. A religious man, Friar Lawrence, makes the celebration of the marriage difficult. 2 match each of these words which you ll find in the chapter with its definition. a. Cell b. Wing c. Friar d. Madness e. Darkness f. Groom g. Sorrow h. Bride 3 1. A man on his wedding day. 2. Without any light. 3. A small room with little furniture in which a monk, a nun or a prisoner lives. 4. A woman on her wedding day. 5. A religious man. 6. One of the parts of the body of a bird or insect that it uses for flying. 7. Crazy or stupid behaviour that could be dangerous. 8. A feeling of great sadness because something very bad has happened. choose some words from the previous activity and complete these sentences. a. If Romeo marries Juliet, he will become her ......................................... . b. Romeo and Juliet meet in the Capulets garden during the hours of ............................................. . c. ................................... Lawrence lives in a ................................... of a wonderful church next to the central Market Square in Verona. 19