Love and Deaths in Verona 3 Act BEFORE READING 1 the play Romeo and Juliet is set in verona. in the third act another italian city appears: mantua. can you place them in the right italian regions? 2 make predictions: match the names of the characters to the possible actions that are going to take place in this act. a. Mercutio and Tybalt b. Benvolio c. The Prince d. Friar Lawrence e. Juliet 3 1. will try to defend Romeo in front of the Prince who represents the Law. 2. will help Romeo and hide him in his church. 3. will meet Romeo in her bedroom. 4. will die. 5. will exile Romeo from Verona. Here is a list of some verbs that you are going to read. match them to their definitions. 1. put to death 2. exile 3. argue 4. throw out 5. obey 6. delay a. to do what you are told to do b. to speak angrily to somebody because you don t agree with them c. to force somebody to leave their country, as a punishment or for political reasons d. to make something happen at a later time e. to force somebody to leave a place f. to execute 31