E X T E N S I O N JULIET S HOUSE Shakespeare never visited verona in his lifetime and his characters in Romeo and Juliet never existed, but there is a 13th century house in verona where, people say, Juliet lived. it belonged to the cappello or cappelletti family for many years. the family blazon1 on the internal arch-way2 of the courtyard3 is still there.the combination of this name, similar to capulet , and the fact that it has a balcony that looks out over a courtyard has turned it into Juliet s balcony . Juliet s house is one of the main attractions of verona and every day crowds4 of people admire and photograph the most famous balcony in the world, where Juliet stood while Romeo declared his love to her. visitors can stand on Juliet s balcony, too! Juliet s house, in its beautiful gothic style, offers other interesting attractions, too. inside the house is a small museum where you can find numerous exhibits5 from the time of Romeo and Juliet and which give a good idea of life in ancient verona. there is also a bronze sculpture of Juliet in the courtyard: unmarried people touch Juliet s breast6 in the hope of finding the love of their life! moreover, those who enter the courtyard of Juliet s house for their first time will be struck7 by the thousands of small scraps8 of paper which cover the floor to the ceiling9! according to popular belief, those who write their love vows10 down and stick them on the wall, will stay together with their partner for the rest of their lives and will be very happy! 1. blazon: the official symbol of a family. 2. arch-way: curved structure forming a passage or entrance. 3. courtyard: open space partly or completely surrounded by buildings. 4. crowds: a large number of people. 5. exhibits: objects or collection of objects on public display. 6. breast: the top part of the front of a woman s body. 7. struck (strike-struck-struck): hit, felt a strong emotion. 8. scraps: a small piece of something. 9. ceiling: the top inside surface of a room. 10. vows: a formal and serious promise to do something. 43