1 Fights and Love in Verona Act BEFORE READING 1 tick what you know about the play Romeo and Juliet. a. Romeo and Juliet is a... . comedy tragedy b. Romeo and Juliet are... . totally imaginary characters characters from a real story partially real characters c. Romeo and Juliet are... . teenagers children d. Romeo was a... . Montague Capulet e. Juliet was a... . Montague Capulet 2 satire adults Tudor Tudor put the words below into the right column, then add three more. master Lady uncle nephew mistress aunt Lord niece MALES 3 FEMALES One of the topics of Romeo and Juliet is romantic love. Find at least five adjectives or expressions to describe what and how you feel when you are in love. use a dictionary if necessary. When I am in love, I m/I feel... 5