5 Tragedy Act BEFORE READING 1 imagine who will perform the following actions in the chapter. a. b. c. d. e. f. ............................................ will kill Count Paris. ............................................ will kill herself with a dagger. ............................................ will not prevent Romeo from killing himself. ............................................ will not bring Friar Lawrence s letter to Romeo. ............................................ will stop arguing. ............................................ will help the Montagues and the Capulets make peace. g. ............................................ will arrest Friar Lawrence. 2 Here is a list of nouns that are used in act 5. match them to their definitions. a. b. c. d. Path Page Bunch Bush e. Nunnery f. Drop g. Fate 3 1. A young man who works for a knight. 2. A very small quantity of a liquid. 3. A way made by the action of people walking. 4. The power to control everything that cannot be stopped or changed. 5. A large amount of something. 6. Religious building. 7. A kind of short plant. use the nouns above to complete these actions that will take place in the chapter. a. The ................................ of Count Paris hides behind some ............................... along the ............................................. and warns his Master about Romeo s arrival. b. On Romeo s lips there are some ...................................... of poison. c. Friar Lawrence wants to hide Juliet in a safe .......................................... . d. ...................................... is very cruel to Romeo and Juliet. e. Count Paris wants to put a big ................................ of flowers on Juliet s tomb. 55