S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKing On tHe teXt 1 match these descriptions of the main characters to their names, then write a similar description for Romeo and Juliet. a. He s a noble man, but he wants to become 1. The nurse richer. He s really in love with Juliet but she refuses his love. 2. Friar Lawrence b. He s Juliet s cousin. He can t stand the Montagues. c. She lives in the Capulets house. She likes 3. Mercutio her job very much. She has known Juliet since she was a baby. 4. Count Paris d. He s Romeo s page and his loyal friend. He helps him with his marriage. e. He wears clerical clothes. He knows 5. Balthazar Romeo very well. He likes doing experiments with plants. 6. Lord Capulet f. He s Romeo s best friend and Tybalt s worst enemy. He dies very young. g. He s Juliet s father. He wants her to marry 7. Tybalt a boy she doesn t love. 2 put the paragraphs of the summary of the text into the correct order. a. Meanwhile, Juliet finds out about her husband Romeo s fight with her cousin Tybalt. Later, Romeo and Juliet spend the night together and the following morning Romeo runs away to Mantua because Prince Escalus has exiled him from Verona. b. After the celebration of the marriage, Romeo is involved in a fight on the street: Tybalt, Juliet s cousin, kills Romeo s best friend, Mercutio. Romeo, in turn, kills Tybalt. c. In the meantime, Juliet drinks the vial and appears to die. Friar Lawrence celebrates her funeral and the Capulets are desperate. d. When the guards and Prince Escalus arrive, Friar Lawrence tells them about the events that brought the two young lovers to their tragic death. e. The same morning Lady Capulet informs Juliet about her father s wish to marry her to Count Paris. 70