3.1 Rip Van Winkle A Tiring Life BEFORE READING Story 1 Here are some personality adjectives you will find in the story. Match them to their opposites. Use a dictionary if necessary. 5 a. obedient b. stupid c. lazy d. happy e. angry f. lovely g. sunny h. peaceful i. faithful j. silly 1. calm 2. horrible 3. violent 4. sad 5. disobedient 6. unfaithful 7. active 8. responsible 9. bright 10. sorrowful 2 Insert these daily farm and household chores you are going to read about in the right column. milking cows washing dishes feeding pets grooming horses feeding and watering animals folding and putting away clean laundry setting the table cleaning henhouses and stalls checking and repairing fences emptying the cat s litter box cutting wood collecting eggs dusting and sweeping taking out the trash Farm House hold chore s chore s 3 Curiously enough, our hero s three names are also English words with a meaning of their own. Match the English words to their meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary. a. Rip (verb) 1. A covered vehicle, usually a large truck or trailer, used for moving goods or animals b. Van (noun) 2. A species of marine gastropods, similar to snails c. Winkle (noun) 3. To tear and break Now make up a short sentence which makes sense with our hero s names . ........................................................................................................................................................... 55