The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Ichabod Crane BEFORE READING 1.1 Story 1 Match each of the words below to its definition. a. short-story b. legend c. proverb d. motto e. folk tale f. biography g. poem h. novel 1. a long written story about characters and events invented by the writer 2. a piece of prose fiction, usually under 10,000 words 3. a tale or legend, especially one forming part of the oral tradition of the common people 4. a word, phrase or sentence used as a phrase of one s guiding values 5. a written description of another person s life 6. a composition in verse 7. a short popular saying that expresses some common truth or useful thought 8. an unproved story coming from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical 2 Choose one of the options to make predictions about the story. a. Where do you expect the story to be set? In a cemetery haunted house valley school dormitory b. When do you think the events take place? In Pre-Columbian America Before the American Revolution After the American Revolution In the 1900s c. Which natural elements do you expect to find? Woods and rivers Mountains and hills Deserts and seas Volcanoes and lakes d. The title of part 1 is a name. Do you think it refers to ? an American man an Indian Chief a horse a ghost 3 Write some words that you know, or that you find in a dictionary, related to ghosts and the supernatural. While reading the text, see if you can find some of them. Nouns Adje ctive s 6 Ve rb s