3.2 Rip Van Winkle A New Life BEFORE READING Story 1 Tick the suggestion(s) you like best. a. What do you think has happened to Rip in the wood? He has been carried away to a different place by the strange creatures he has met without realizing it. He has fallen into a deep sleep for several years. He has drunk too much and can t remember things clearly yet. b. What does the title of the chapter suggest? What will Rip do? Rip will become a completely different man and a hard-working farmer. Rip will decide not to return to his wife and live in the wood. Rip will go back to his village. c. What do you think has happened to Wolf? He has gone back home on his own. He has fallen so deeply asleep that he can t hear Rip calling him. He has died. d. What will happen to Rip s children? They will spend the rest of their lives looking for their father. They will lead their lives without thinking too much about their father s destiny. They will think their father consciously decided to disappear because of their mother and respect his choice. e. What changes will the village undergo? It will turn into a ghost town. It will continue being a sleepy little village. It will modernize and develop into a big, lively town. 2 Say if these sentences about the main events of the story so far are true or false and correct the false statements. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. The story takes place in an old German village. Rip is married and has a child. Rip and his wife don t get along well. The villagers love Rip. Rip and his lazy friends always talk about work. Rip s hobby is squirrel and cricket hunting. His dog s name is Fox. The strange people in the wood play football. Rip drinks some liquor from a keg and falls asleep. 70 T F