S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Complete the summaries of the stories inserting the titles, the names of the missing characters and the missing verbs. 1. Title: (1)........................................ This story (2)........................... (take) place in (3)......................... in the castle of the .................................. . His daughter is (5).............................. (wait) for her groom, (4) .............................., for her prearranged marriage.The groom, meanwhile, is (6) .............................. (murder) on his way to the castle after (8)............................ (7) (meet) an old friend, (9)........................, who is asked to (10).......................... (go) to the Baron s castle to (11)........................... (tell) everybody what (12)............................. (happen) to him.The groom s friend (13)............................. (arrive) late at the castle, is (14)........................... (mistake) for the groom and not (15)........................... (allow) to (16)............................ (tell) the truth until it (17)............................ (be) too late because he (18)......................... (fall) in love with the bride.Then the story, .............................. (lead) to a through half truths and secret wooing, happy ending and the new couple 2. Title: (19) .............................. (get) married. (20) ..................................... (21) The story ....................... of a teacher named (23)...................... who (24).................... (22) (arrive) in (25)........................ to (26)...................... (teach). He (27)....................... (like) to marry The girl ...................... because her father .................... (be) very rich. (28) (29) ........................ another suitor, the bully (31).................. . The teacher (30) .................... (invite) to a party at (32) .................... s house and (33) (dance) with her. After the party, he ..................... (34) .............................. (find out) that she (35) ........................ (dance) with him to make (37) .......................... (go) away. While he is ............................ (ride) back, the (36) (38) .......................... jealous and he (39) Headless Horseman (a ghost from that valley) ........................ (ride) up (40) ...................... (throw) his head at him, scaring him away. The to him and (41) next day .............. has disappeared. People (43)................. (spread) rumors (42) about him, but whenever .................. (44) .................... (hear) about that (45) ................... (smile). story he (46) 3. Title: (47) ............................... ................................., a very lazy but friendly and good-natured Dutch man (48) ..................... (marry) to a very nagging wife, usually (50)...................... (spend) (49) 87