E X T E N S I O N TIME TRAVELLING THROUGH MOVIES AND TV numerous films have been based on The Time Machine; some of them are directly centred on Wells s masterpiece, many others have drawn inspiration from it. the first visual adaptation of the book was a live teleplay broadcast1 in 1949 by the BBc, which starred2 russell napier as the time traveller. in 1960, the novella was made into an american science-fiction film, also known promotionally as H.G. Wells The Time Machine. the film starred rod taylor and was produced and directed by George pal. the film won an academy award for time-lapse3 photographic effects showing the world changing rapidly. in 1978, Sunn classic pictures produced a TV film version of The Time Machine. it was a modernization of Wells s story, making the time traveller a scientist working for the uS Department of Defense. the 1960 film was remade in 2002, starring Guy pearce as the time traveller. the film was directed by Wells s great-grandson Simon Wells, with an even more revised plot. the place is changed from richmond, Surrey, to new york city. in this film, the eloi have preserved a stone language that is identical to english. on the next page follows a very short list of some of the most popular derivative works, i.e. movies inspired by Wells s The Time Machine. 3. time-lapse: method of taking a series of single pictures over a period of time and then putting them together to show the action happening very quickly. 1. broadcast (broadcast-broadcast-broadcast): transmitted (of a programme from television or radio). 2. to star: (in a film, play, etc.) to have among its main actors. 84