SPEAKING BIOMOLECULES IN OUR DAILY LIVES 3 I n groups, discuss the importance of biomolecules which perform unique functions within organisms. Here are some ideas to help your discussion. Add any other you can think of. Carbohydrates provide us with the basic necessities of life: food, clothing (cotton), and shelter (wood) are responsible for energy storage and transport, and structural support of living things are an essential part of a healthy diet because they supply energy for physical activity and for proper functioning of organs may be found in foods such as pasta and bread, corn, potatoes, beans, etc. if eaten excessively, they can be quite a risk to the health .................. Proteins are the most abundant biomolecules of the living system occur in every part of the body and are required for its ACTIVITIES growth and maintenance are the main constituents of muscles, skin, hair, nails, tendons, etc. can do just about anything: structure, communication, defence, transport, etc. their main sources are foods such as meat milk, fish, cheese, pulses, etc. if eaten excessively, they put stress on the kidneys and liver .................. Lipids are the masters of energy storage some have important structural roles form membranes, or layers, that protect cells from the environment if eaten excessively, can lead to cardiovascular disease .................. Nucleic acids provide the blueprint for life store Life s instruction book and pass it from generation to generation include RNA and DNA, which is the chemical basis of heredity and the reserve of genetic information .................. THE CHEMISTRIES OF LIFE Module 3 135