A royal The Island teenager s troubled years Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Predicting. How will Prendick end up? Choose from the following. a. b. c. d. 2 His boat will go adrift and he will die. His boat will drift ashore and he will survive. Montgomery s boat will come back to rescue him. Another ship will pick him up and save him. What kind of doctor do you think Dr Moreau is? A doctor of .... a. Philosophy c. Medicine 3 2 b. Law d. Biotechnology Who said this in Chapter 1? Choose from Helmar, Prendick, Montgomery, the captain of the Ipecacuanha and M ling. a. Here are three small pieces of wood. = .............................................................. b. I m a doctor. I m a passenger myself. = .............................................................. c. I studied Natural History. = .............................................................. d. I got a degree in Biology ten years ago. = .............................................................. e. Go away! You can t stay here! = .............................................................. f. But they don t want me there. = .............................................................. g. I do what I like on my own ship! = .............................................................. h. Thank you, you saved my life! = .............................................................. Man in a rowboat, by T. Lohre, 1985. 18