1 5 ????End The Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Fill in the blanks using the following words. attacks finds reminds sent shoots started tells torture turns wants Prendick thinks Moreau (1) ....................... him for his experiments, but Moreau tells him he does not employ humans: he (2) ....................... animals into humans. Moreau tells Prendick how he (3) ....................... his experiments on the island eleven years before. Prendick (4) ....................... the two men about the dead rabbit and his attacker. They go to the village and Moreau (5) ....................... all the Beast-people of the Law and the punishments. The Leopard-man (6) ....................... Moreau he doesn t want to be (7) ....................... back to the House of Pain. A hunt follows. Prendick (8) ....................... the Leopard-man, but he (9) .......................the creature out of pity rather than let Moreau (10) ....................... it. 2 Who said this? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 3 This is the last time that I am kind to you. ................................................... All right, it s the puma. ............................................................................................ It s just an animal after all. ........................................................................................ What s the meaning of that? ................................................................................ It s an abomination before God! ......................................................................... Why don t these creatures rebel against you? ............................................ These creatures have no initiative. ..................................................................... Good God! What can this mean? ...................................................................... Make predictions. Read the title of the last chapter and choose the best option. Then check your guess at the end of the reading. a. Prendick escapes and settles on another nearby island. He writes the story which he then gives to the captain of a ship. The Beast-people continue their life with Moreau and Montgomery. b. The three men kill all the Beast-people except M ling. Moreau will die of old age, Montgomery of cirrhosis and Prendick decides to relive Robinson Crusoe s experience with M ling as Friday. c. Prendick escapes, is picked up by a ship and returns to England. Here he lives isolated from the world. The two scientists are killed by the Beast-people. These live according to their instincts. d. The three men reach an agreement with the Beast-people: there will be no more House of Pain or transformations. The Sayer of the Law becomes the master. The three men live a degraded life. 68