E X T E N S I O N CLONED LAMBMONKEYS: HOUSE WILL HUMAN CLONES SOON FOLLOW? In Extension 4, we talked about hybrids and chimeras, stem cells and genetic research. Among the techniques of genetic manipulation, cloning represents the most innovative and alarming one. At the beginning of 2018, Chinese researchers successfully Dolly with her creator, Prof. Ian Wilmut. cloned macaques using the same technique that generated the famous clone Dolly the sheep in 1996. With this experiment, primates were cloned for the first time. The cloning was carried out by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai and produced the birth of two female macaques, Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua.The two macaques are genetically identical, both clones of the same foetal1 monkey cells. The discovery has started a debate over cloning another primate species: humans. Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua. How does this cloning method work? In 1996, Dolly the sheep became the first mammal cloned using a technique called SCNT (Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer). SCNT transfers the nucleus of a cell, which includes its DNA, into an egg which has had its nucleus removed2. This method can theoretically produce 1. foetal: a young human being or animal before birth, after the organs have started to develop. 2. removed: taken away. 84
Extension: Cloned monkeys: will human clones soon follow?