SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Summary of Chapters 1-2-3. Put these paragraphs into the correct sequence. Four sentences have already been numbered for you. 1 Edward Prendick survives a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean. A passing . ship takes him aboard, and a man named Montgomery revives him. Prendick now believes Moreau is vivisecting humans and that he will be the next one. Prendick flees into the jungle again where he meets an Ape-man who takes him to the Beast-people s village. Prendick thinks that it is better to die like that, rather than being vivisected and turned into an animal by Moreau. 5 Here he encounters a group of people who seem human but also look like pigs. As he walks back, Prendick is followed and attacked by a monstrous hybrid of animal and man. He hits the thing with a stone. Suddenly, Moreau comes to the village looking for Prendick, but Prendick escapes into the jungle once again. He goes towards the ocean, where he plans to drown himself. The island belongs to Dr Moreau, a biologist who had to leave England owing to his horrible experiments in vivisection. The next day, Moreau begins working on a puma. Prendick is frightened by the animal s cries of pain and runs away into the jungle. 12 Montgomery and Moreau get near Prendick and the doctor explains that the Beast-people were not formerly men, but animals. The next morning, Prendick walks into Moreau s lab and finds a humanoid form lying in bandages on the table, and then is thrown out by an angry Moreau. 9 Their leader is a large grey thing named the Sayer of the Law, who makes him recite a strange litany called the Law, which involves prohibitions against savage behaviour and praise for Moreau. When Prendick returns to Moreau s house, he questions Montgomery about the people living on the island, but Montgomery refuses to reveal anything. Prendick finally gives up and goes to bed. When the ship approaches the island, the captain leaves Prendick in a boat and sails away. Seeing that the captain has abandoned Prendick, Montgomery feels sorry for him and takes him in. 86