1 unit I don't know why, but women in a hair salon share their deepest secrets . Penelope Cruz You ll learn about the function and the organisation of a hair salon about the different areas of a salon about the different hair treatments how to assess the time of a treatment how to keep the salon efficient how to talk about numbers, time, date and prices The salon EQUIPMENT FURNITURE DAILY CHORES hood dryer: casco per l asciugatura shampoo bowl/basin: vaschetta per il lavaggio sink: lavandino storage drawer: cassetto per gli attrezzi tool: attrezzo tool holders: portastrumenti trash bin: bidone electrical outlet: gruppo elettrico con prese lamp: lampada stool: sgabello to clean: pulire to dust: spolverare to keep the salon clean/spotless: tenere pulito/immacolato il salone to keep the salon tidy/clutter free: tenere il salone in ordine to sanitise: igienizzare to sweep: spazzare