11 unit On your wedding day you should look like yourself at your most beautiful. Bobbi Brown You ll learn about plaiting, braiding and twisting about updos about how to style on special occasions about styles for kids about styles for men about salon small talk STYLES STYLES USEFUL VERBS braid/plait: treccia bun: chignon half up half down updo: capelli parzialmente raccolti in alto e/o in basso ponytail: coda di cavallo twisting: capelli attorcigliati updo: capelli raccolti in alto to backcomb: pettinare all indietro to braid/plait/twist: intrecciare to combine/tie up/secure: fermare to cross: incrociare to drop: lasciar cadere to flip up: tirare su to gather: raccogliere to lift up: sollevare to loop up: formare un occhiello to part/divide/section: separare/dividere/sezionare to pick up/take: prendere to pin: puntare to tug/yank outward: tirare molto forte verso l esterno to wrap: avvolgere