Unit 1 skillS The business of hair beauty H airdressing is a multi-billion-pound industry in the tertiary sector and more than 2 million professionals work in this business part time or full time in the UK. Hair salons are the places that cater for the needs of a wide range of customers, who differ in age, gender, ethnic group and personal profiles. Hairdressers are the professionals whose occupation is to cut or style hair in order to change or improve a person s image. Most hairdressers are licensed as hairdressers or barbers and they can run their own business or work for a franchising chain. Their salons can be in large department stores or in single shops in different areas of the city. The hair salon industry offers a wide variety of hair care services: cutting perming reconstructing texturing and relaxing shampooing conditioning and curling styling applying extensions. colouring In addition, some salons can offer other services, such as hair modification treatments (straightening procedures or extensions for example), skin-care services and massages. Sometimes, also facials and make-up applications (except permanent make-up) can be provided. Finally, all hair salons are equipped for the sale of specialist products. PAIR WORK. Read the text and answer the questions. 3 Chic & Bleach is coming to town! Our qualified hairdressers will meet all your needs: everybody is welcome in our salon. We are ready to answer all your questions about today s hottest hairstyles and we can suggest the right look for you for every occasion. Our wide range of services like cutting, colouring, perming, styling and setting, washing and blowing will satisfy you! If your problem is hair loss, don t worry! Our stylists will find the right solution: you can try a scalp treatment or you can relax with a special hair root rejuvenation program. We take your dull hair and treat it with special 31 October 2020 309, Portobello Road London 1. What kind of text is this? 2. What is its objective? 3. What services does the salon offer? 4 A B C 4. What does the text ask the readers to do? 5. What is the salon affering? 6. Why is the word bleach in the name of the salon? Read the text again and match the expressions to their correct translations. 1. To meet all your needs a. Capelli spenti 2. Scalp treatment b. Splendido e lucente 3. Hair root rejuvenation program c. Miscele di erbe 4. Dull hair d. Rispondere ai bisogni 5. Herbal blends e. Cura di rinforzo delle radici 6. Bright and shiny f. Cura del cuoio capelluto 12 herbal blends: your hair will go back to its natural best and you will feel bright and shiny! If you want unique hair, save the date: next Saturday our experienced hair stylists will offer a free service based on the nature of your hair and face cut. What are you waiting for? Don t hesitate! Come to our modern hair salon downtown! to be equipped: essere fornito to be provided: essere offerto to cater for: provvedere facial: trattamento viso gender: sesso to run: gestire straightening: lisciatura wide: ampio