UNIT 9 HAIr CArE UNIT 9 hair care workbook vocabulary 2. ressst ................................ for both men and women. Fortunately, we can use specific products to 3. tnevepr 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Individua in ogni gruppo la parola che si differenzia dalle altre e spiega perché. ................................ or treat it, such as 4. gslvtaliiin sociftrin split ends, thinning hair, hair breakage, hair follicle repair mask, dandruff, hydrating shampoo, split-end serum colour-treated hair, frizzy hair, damaged hair, greasy hair alopecia, scalp scrub, folliculitis, hirsutism moisturising shampoo, root cover up, blow-dry repair balm, mask for damaged hair fibre stronger and stimulate the 5. pslca ................................ ................................ ................................ which make the hair Circulation, or gentle shampoos which respect hair 6. llcphysiiyooga ................................ balance. Anti-hair loss products are usually easy to use as they are 7. slaiph ................................ or 8. opsdr ................................ and must be used repeatedly to be effective. 5 2 Qual è il problema di queste persone? alopecia damaged hair dandruff hair breakage head lice oily hair split ends thinning hair 1. Paula s head is itchy and she feels something moving on the scalp. She looks carefully inside her hair in the mirror and she can see tiny eggs or insects. ................................ 2. 3. Laureen has long, red hair but it doesn t look nice. In fact, it s a bit messy even if she brushes or combs it and it s rather dull, not at all shiny. ................................ Amanda is looking at her hair in the mirror and she can see her scalp through her hair. She can only see part of the beautiful, thick fringe she used to have. Scegli l opzione corretta. Betty is treating a client who has a problem: her hair is 1. growing/thinning. After shampooing, she 2. towel dries/blowdries her hair as she must apply a vitalizing 3. cream/friction on hair which is still a bit 4. damp/dry. She breaks the 5. tube/phial by snapping the top off. She applies the content on the hair 6. ends/roots, spreading it evenly and 7. massaging/twisting the scalp gently. When the friction has penetrated into the 8. cuticle/ scalp, she dries and styles the client s hair. 6 Decidi se queste affermazioni sono vere o false. In questo caso correggile. T F 1. Shampoo dries hair. 2. Styling products can be gels, mousses and serums. 3. A pomade gives a very strong hold. 4. Serums don t protect hair from humidity and heat. 5. Hair oil dyes hair. Indica la categoria di prodotti per la cura dei capelli che corrispondono a queste definizioni. 6. Hair colour stiffens hair. 7. Hair spray keeps the hair set longer. 1. They help maintain the hairstyle: ................................ 8. Hair gel keeps curly hair in a desirable shape. 2. They nourish hair: ................................ ................................................................................................................................. 3. They help solve hair problems: ................................ ................................................................................................................................. 4. They help create the desired look: ................................ 5. They remove dirt: ................................ ................................ 4. Diana has just bought a wig. Little by little she has lost her hair as her mother did. . skills 3 4 Le parole in corsivo di questo brano sono state anagrammate. Ricostruiscile riordinando le lettere. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. 7 Hair loss can either be a 1. ncitgee ................................ Hair care quiz: per ogni coppia di affermazioni indica quale delle due è corretta. problem or the consequence a. Hair grows between 0.5 and 1 cm per month no matter how often you cut it. of external situations like b. The more you cut your hair, the faster it grows. 156 1.