UNIT 11 STYLES UNIT 11 styles workbook vocabulary 1 Trova le sette parole semplici o composte qui contenute e traducile in italiano. HIRXBANTZAHAIRCLIPWOPGVPIGTAI LBRAIDMLLHBMAUPDOWCXXQHEADB ANDQUNDXHBUNMAKERAAPOOXHDU TCHBRAIDXMWZYHAIRBEADYZOUAIE 7. French twists are 8. You can flip out hair a. a full updo. b. a twist. c. you can add accessories. d. for a trendy look. elegant and classic. f. shows lack of style. g. indicates a free style. ................................ h. unswept hair. ................................ i. can be high or low. j. for weddings or other ceremonies. ................................ 2. ................................ ................................ 3. ................................ ................................ ................................ 4. ................................ 5. ................................ ................................ ................................ 6. ................................ ................................ ................................ 7. ................................ ................................ ................................ Completa queste espressioni con i verbi adeguati per creare un acconciatura e abbinale alla loro traduzione. 1. B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the hair. 2. T _ _ _ _ each section. 3. S _ _ _ _ _ the hair with an elastic. 4. F _ _ _ _ the braids up. 5. G _ _ _ _ _ the rest of unbraided hair. 6. L _ _ _ the ponytail up. 7. P _ _ the hair to the back of the head. 8. P _ _ _ the braids outward. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Raccogli i restanti capelli non interecciati. Tira su le trecce. Punta i capelli sul retro della testa. Tira le trecce verso l esterno. Ferma i capelli con un elastico. Pettina i capelli all indietro. Intreccia ogni sezione. Solleva la coda. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 160 Collega le espressioni per formulare frasi significative sulle acconciature. Due sono extra. You can have a special hairstyle A bride s best choice is Sideswept hair is less classic than Chignons Loose hair Completa il discorso di un compagno scegliendo la parola corretta. 1. Plaits/Ponytails and braids indicate the same hairstyle, but the word braid is more commonly used in the USA. They are decorative and keep 2. short/long hair under control, preventing it from 3. tangling/twisting, and they also keep it out of the way while a person is at work. Men and women from all kinds of cultures have always 4. crossed/braided their hair. Women with 5. straight/ tangled hair also use braids to make 6. them/it wavy. In fact, when unbraided, hair still keeps its 7. style/waves and the volume. If women want to create loose waves, they use 8. large/long braids, whereas they use many small braids to create 9. tails/curls. 5 Scegli T se l affermazione è vera o F (false) se non lo è. In questo caso correggila. T 1. Only skilled professional stylists can plait and twist hair. 2. Plaiting involves weaving together strands of hair. 3. You can use hair extensions in your plaits. 4. Twists don t give a finished look. 5. It is often necessary to apply either pomade or styling gel when forming twists. 6. You can only create plaits and twists on long hair. 7. Frequent plaiting or twisting can cause problems due to hair tension. skills 3 To enrich the style e. 1. 2 6. F ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................