9 unit You ll learn about hair care products about anti-loss hair treatments about styling and finishing hair care products how to sell hair products Life isn t perfect but your hair can be. Anonymous HAIR CARE SHAMPOOS, BALMS, MASKS OTHER HAIR CARE PRODUCTS for colour-treated hair: per capelli tinti for damaged hair: per capelli danneggiati hydrating: idratante nutritive: nutriente purifying: purificante recovery: ristrutturante smoothing: lisciante blow-dry repair gel/mask/balm: gel/maschera/balsamo riparatore per asciugatura a fon leave-in gel/mask/balm: gel/maschera/balsamo senza risciacquo lightweight styling gel: gel leggero per messa in piega scalp and hair serum: siero per capelli e cuoio capelluto scalp scrub: scrub per il cuoio capelluto shaping spray: spray per messa in piega split-end serum: siero per punte doppie texturising spray: spray ristrutturante UV protective oil: olio protettivo per raggi UV