11 unit You ll learn about hair removal areas Dear body hair, if i ve been waxing, plucking and shaving every time you show up, I think you should get the hint. Sincerely, frustrated. how to prepare for a hair removal treatment about different hair removal techniques about salon small talk Anonymous BODY HAIR REMOVAL TOOLS/TECHNIQUES VERBS PROBLEMS electrolysis: elettrolisi facial/nose hair remover: strumento per l eliminazione dei peli del viso/naso galvanic treatmnent: trattamento galvanico intense pulse light: luce pulsata shaving: rasatura thermolitic treatment: trattamento termolitico threading: threading, depilazione con filo tweezers: pinzette waxing/wax strip: ceretta/striscia di cera to break off: rompersi to glide blades: far scivolare le lamette to grow back: ricrescere to pull out: tirare via, estrarre to remove: rimuovere, eliminare to reshape: rimodellare to strip off: strappare to trap hair: intrappolare il pelo allergic reaction: reazione allergica ingrown hair: pelo incarnito scarring: sfregio, graffio stray hair: pelo isolato unwanted hair: pelo superfluo