Unit 13 communication Marketing and complimenting Marketing language ad/advertisement brochure/catalogue/leaflet coupon/voucher discount exclusive/special offer fidelity card/loyalty card/gift card free invite-only limited edition message (e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp) money-back guarantee no obligation online/in-store offer promotion reduced/special price/rate salon package/special value website Salon operator Client I/we d like to give you this gift/present/offer. I/we thought you might like this (for ...). Here s a little gift/present/offer for you. This is a gift/present/offer that I/we/the salon got you. Thank you so much! It s beautiful. / I love it. That s so kind! / How kind of you! / That s so thoughtful of you! What a lovely surprise! Giving compliments about appearance Accepting compliments You look/are looking really nice / great / beautiful / charming / gorgeous / amazing / wonderful today! I really like / absolutely love what you re wearing today / your style, looks, outfit, dress, shirt / blouse / bag, shoes, bracelet, earrings, necklace, new hairstyle, etc. This/These look(s) great/really nice on you. What a cool/nice/lovely/pretty/smart/etc. ! That suits you so well/fits you perfectly! This makeup/haircut really flatters your face. Thank you. Thank you so much! Thanks a lot! Thank you for saying so/that. What a compliment! Do you really think so? I appreciate that. You are so sweet. It s very kind of you. 14 13.4 Listen to the conversation between a receptionist and a client. Choose the correct alternative. 1. Miss Sheen arrives at the Salon in the morning / afternoon / evening. 2. Miss Sheen is a new / known / unknown client. 3. Marta thinks Miss Sheen is looking beautiful / ugly / unattractive. 4. Miss Sheen is wearing a dress / shirt and skirt / sweatpants. 5. Miss Sheen looks good in white / red / green. 6. Miss Sheen received a/an advertising email / SMS / WhatsApp message from the Salon. 7. The Salon is opening a new section called Shampoo & More / Blow-dry & More / Shampoo & Blow-dry. 8. The new section will offer innovative hair / face and body / medical treatments. 132 9. An opening special offers 2x1 / 4x3 / 5x4 treatments. 10. The special offer concerns hair treatments only / shampooing treatments only / all treatments offered by the new salon section. 11. If Miss Sheen brings a new client to the Salon, they ll both get a further discount of 5% / 25% / 50% on the price of their treatments. 12. If clients buy two retail beauty products, they ll get 1 / 2 / 3 free. 13. The offer will last 2 / 3 / 6 months from the opening of the new section. 14. There will be a launch party on Saturday morning / afternoon / night.