UNIT 1 THE SALON UNIT 1 THE SALON workbook In this photograph there are four 1. ................................ with vocabulary comfortable 2. ................................ for the clients and 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 Identifica in ogni gruppo la parola che è diversa dalle altre e spiega perché. 3. ................................ for the pedicure. There are also stools in sales area, massage lounge, make-up station, staff room retail shelves, make-up station, drawers, cart make-up, hand treatment, massage, welcoming waiting area, reception, couch, relaxation area sink, mirror, waiting area, chair tools, products, cosmetics, sale keep tidy, keep clean, do the massage, sanitise the tools there are small 5. ................................ with products and Completa le descrizioni con le parole date, trasformandole se necessario al plurale. In ognuno dei gruppi è contenuta una parola che non ti serve. front of them for the 4. ................................. Between the stools 6. ................................ on top. There is a 7. ................................ to divide a work station from the one next to it. skills 3 Chi ha descritto queste due immagini è incerto sull uso di alcuni termini. Aiutalo scegliendo una delle quattro opzioni scritte in corsivo. 1. 1. basin chair client manicure member pedicure table In this photograph there are five people: four 1. ................................ and a 2. ................................ of staff. Three women are sitting on 3. ................................ and have their feet in a 4. ................................. Opposite them the This photo is taken in the 1. nail/pedicure/manicure/ massage lounge. The client is lying on a 2. chair/couch/ bed/wheelchair and has no clothes on. You cannot see anybody else, only the hands of the 3. beautician/ receptionist/stylist/artist who is 4. tattoing/massaging/ undressing/pushing her. 2. fourth one is sitting at a 5. ................................ with her hands on it for a 6. ................................. 2. basin beautician cart couch curtain drawer tool work station 144 This is the 1. back/front/side/working part of the salon. In the foreground there s the 2. massage room/nail parlour/reception desk/pedicure room. Behind it there are some retail 3. shelves/drawers/carts/stations with a lot of products for sale. In the background there are some 4. waiting stations/desks/massage lounges/work stations.