UNIT 6 THE BOdy UNIT 6 The body workbook vocabulary 1 Ricostruisci gli anagrammi e individua il termine che si riferisce a una parte esterna del corpo. 1. gtish ........................................ 7. otmhsac ............................... 2. lyurraictco ........................... 8. falc ........................................... 3. neltkeso ................................ 9. tnitsenie ................................ 4. delarbd ................................. 10. eespln .................................... 5. pnyhlemosod .................... 11. 6. ocdreinne ............................ 12. Ilrelacpias ............................ 2 ykndies .................................. Completa lo schema, distinguendo i termini che si riferiscono a discipline scientifiche e ad altro. anatomy chemicals chemistry cytology homeostasis microscope molecule organ system physics physiology structure therapist 4. The immune and the lymphatic system are strongly interconnected 5. The integumentary system, including skin, hair and nails, forms a barrier 6. The muscular system works in close connection with the skeletal system a. and work together to protect the body from illnesses and diseases. b. to help the body move and interact with the world. c. that help regulate other systems in the body. d. and it provides nutrients for the body by processing and transforming food. e. and delivers nutrients throughout the body. f. that protects the body from external organisms in the outside world. 5 Scientific disciplines bladder blister carbon dioxide carbonated ligaments lungs organs skeleton spinal cord Other The nervous system receives stimula from the world and reacts to them through a huge network of nerves, the 1. ................................ and the brain. The brain controls various functions of the body. skills 3 1. 2. 3. 154 The reproductive system includes the sex Scegli l opzione corretta. If we look at a human body, what we immediately see are the head, the 1. branches/trunk and the limbs 2. arms/weapons and legs but we do not see the extremely complex organs inside, such as the 3. mind/ brain, which interacts with the body and the 4. organs/ cellos and systems that make the body work and keep it alive. Organs, like, for example, eyes, 5. earth/heart, lungs, liver and kidneys are made up of 6. materials/tissues. The systems consist of organs and structures that work together. According to many scientists there are eleven systems, each of which performs a specific 7. exercise/function. 4 Completa il testo con 6 dei 9 termini dati. Rimetti in ordine questi appunti sui sistemi del corpo umano abbinando l inizio delle frasi alla loro continuazione. The cardiovascular/circulatory system is made up of heart, blood and blood vessels 2. ................................, which are different in men and women, and is responsible for the birth of babies. The respiratory system, made up of 3. ................................, bronchis and windpipes, absorbs oxygen into the body and removes 4. ............................... from it. The skeletal system with all its bones, 5. ................................ and tendons supports the body and forms like a protective cage for the organs. The urinary system, which includes the kidneys, the 6. ................................ and the urethra, filters blood and eliminates waste. 6 1. In ognuno dei punti di queste annotazioni c è un errore. Individualo e correggilo. The muscular system is made up of millions of muscles, which are under our skin and cover our bones. The digestive system is made up of the stomach, the intestine, the liver and the pancreas 2. The endocrine system, which includes, among others, adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands, produces hormones 3. Nearly all movement in the body is the result of muscle relaxation. Besides allowing movement, muscles control the heartbeat and breathing, and prevent digestion.