UNIT 1O BOdy HAIr UNIT 1O Body hair workbook vocabulary 1 Identifica per ogni gruppo la parola che è diversa dalle altre e spiega perché. 1. excess body hair, hypertricosis, trichotillomania, hirsutism 2. hormonal balance, baldness, gene mutation, hereditary disorder 3. ear hair, cortex, cuticle, medulla 4. eyebrows, eyelashes, moustache, axillary hair 5. hair loss, pubic hair, baldness, alopecia 6. hairiness, nose hair, beard, moustache 7. anagen, cortex, catagen, telogen 4 skills 2 Scegli T (true) se l affermazione è vera o F (false) se non lo è. In questo caso correggila. T 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hair grows longer in the 6. anagen/telogen phase and doesn t grow any more in the telogen phase. In the middle phase the hair follicle 7. expands/contracts and limits the blood supply and hair can easily 8. grow/fall out. We 9. have/do not have hairs in the three stages of development at the same time. F There are about 1 million hair follicles in a human body. Vellus hair is fine and short. Vellus hair keeps the body cool. Terminus hair grows during puberty. Women usually have more hair than men. Vellus hairs don t have a sebaceous gland. Genes determine the distribution of hairs on the body. Androgens decrease the pigmentation of hairs. ................................................................................................................................. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pubic and axillary hair Nose hairs Hair growth Pheromones The hair on the top of our head Irritating particles do not enter Testosterone regulates Hair grows for a certain amount of time and then a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. keeps us warm. regulate the temperature of inhaled air. our eyes thanks to eyelashes and eyebrows. are useless. develop during puberty. the growth of facial hair. falls out. are trapped by pubic hairs. depends on hormones. are very sensitive to touch. 5 a. Humans have the same number of follicles as apes. b. Humans have fewer follicles than apes. 2. a. The majority of women suffer from hirsutism. b. Between 5 and 10% of women suffer from hirsutism. 3. a. Hirsutism and hypetrichosis are synonyms. b. The main difference between hirsutism and hypetrichosis is the area of the body where hairs grow. 4. a. Hirsutism is always due to menopause. b. Hirsutisms derives from unbalanced hormone levels. 5. a. Certain medical conditions may be the cause of hair loss. b. Hair loss is almost always linked to genetics. 6. a. Alopecia areata only leads to hair loss on the head. b. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder. 7. a. Tweezing and waxing cannot cause hair loss. b. Stress can be the cause of hair loss. 8. a. Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder. b. Trichotillomania is due to chemiotherapy. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. Scegli l opzione corretta per completare il brano. Vellus hair and terminal hair grow from a hair 1. medulla/follicle. They are 2. similar/different in structure, even though vellus hair does not have a medulla, and follow the same 3. birth/growth pattern. This consists in three phases: a period of 4. slow/active growth, called anagen a period of 5. intense growth/transition, called catagen a resting period, called telogen 162 Scegli tra a. e b. per ogni coppia di affermazioni. 1. ................................................................................................................................. 3 Unisci la prima parte delle frasi alla seconda. Non usare due delle seconde parti.