3 You ll learn unit about the structure of the skin about skin characteristics and the process of ageing about skin shades, tones and types Invest in your skin. It is going to represent you for a long time. about skin conditions, possible diseases and disorders how to welcome a client and fill in a personal profile card Linden Tyler THE SKIN THE COMPLEXION - TEXTURES dehydrated: disidratata fine: sottile firm: soda flaky: squamosa pliable: flessibile rough: ruvida sensitive: sensibile shrivelled: aggrinzita smooth: liscia soft: morbida withered: avvizzita PARTS OF THE SKIN artery/vein: arteria/vena cutaneous layer: strato cutaneo epidermis: epidermide hair follicle: follicolo del pelo keratin-producing cell: cellula che produce cheratina melanocyte: melanocita pore: poro sebaceous gland: ghiandola sebacea sebum: sebo subcutaneous layer: strato subcutaneo sweat gland: ghiandola sudoripara