7 unit You ll learn about the most popular body treatments about specialty massages about special treatments about body contouring about slimming machines how to communicate during a treatment Take care of your body. It s the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn BODY TREATMENTS ACTIONS PRODUCTS AND THERAPIES to detoxify: disintossicare to ease muscle aches/pains: alleviare i dolori muscolari to exfoliate: esfoliare to give feeling of wellness/well-being: dare una sensazione di benessere to heal: guarire to invigorate: rinvigorire to purify: purificare to regenerate: rigenerare to rejuvenate: ringiovanire to restore natural radiance: ridare naturale splendore to revitalize: rivitalizzare to soothe: calmare, addolcire creamy mud: fango cremoso heath therapy treatment: trattamento con il calore Himalayan salt stones: pietre di sale dell Himalaya hydrating mask: maschera idratante moisturizing cream: crema idratante organic gommage: gommage biologico soothing massage: massaggio calmante warm paraffin: paraffina calda