Unit 8 skillS Nail anatomy K nowing about the structure and growth of the nail is one of the most essential elements of training in cosmetology. Nails are made of dense keratinized cells, water, minerals and a small amount of lipids. They protect the nail bed and the soft sensitive fingers and toes, increase fingertips sensitivity, and serve as useful tools. The nail structure consists of different parts, each with a specific function. The nail root, or matrix, is the living part of the nail. Its shape determines the size and shape of the nail. The lunula is a portion of the visible part of the matrix: it is the whitish crescent at the base of the nails. The nail plate is the remaining visible part of the nail and is made of dead cells covering the nail bed. It protects the tips of the fingers and toes and its appearance reflects the general health of the body. Its shape is determined by the form of the bone under it. The nail bed is under the nail plate. It goes from the lunula to the hyponychium. Nail beds are live cells that need oxygen, vitamins, and minerals. The free edge is the part of the nail beyond the tip of the finger or toe. It is the part of the nail that can be filed into shape. The cuticle is made up of thickened stratum corneum. It is a barrier against foreign materials and microorganisms. The cuticle has two parts: the eponychium and the perionychium. The eponychium is the living skin at the base of the nail plate that covers the matrix area. The eponychium can be gently pushed back but can t be trimmed or cut since it is living skin. The perionychium is the layer of skin surrounding the nail. The hyponychium is at the edge of the nail bed just under the free edge. It protects the nail bed from infection. Nails are constantly growing and can grow in a variety of shapes, depending on the shape of the matrix. Fingernails grow an average of 3.5 millimeters per month whereas toenails grow at an average of 1.6 millimeters a month. Nails grow faster in summer than in winter and, generally, men s nails grow faster than women s nails. 3 The technical term for the nail is onyx, the study of nail is called onychology, nail disease is called onychosis and nail biting is called onychophagia. Your supervisor has asked you to find information about the best cuticle creams on the market. Look at these products and with the help of these questions, prepare a short text to present the three options to her. Which of these three creams can be used both on hand and feet? contains all natural ingredients? Which ones? With what function? has the best fragrance? What is the fragrance? is the best for split skin around the nails? Why do you think so? is the best one for winter use? Why do you think so? 78 amount: quantità average: media beyond: oltre crescent: mezzaluna filed: limato foreign: estraneo thickened: ispessito tip: punta trimmed: tagliato