BODY HAIR HAIR GROWTH, STRUCTURE AND DISTRIBUTION Medulla Cortex Cuticle anagen phase (growing phase) catagen phase (transistion phase) telogen phase (resting phase) telogen phase (exogen) (shedding phase) early anagen phase (growing phase) Facial Hair hair axillary hair arm hair nose hair eyebrows arm hair ear hair pubic hair beard eyelashes moustache leg hair 1 Choose the best option. The most common form of hair 1. loss / hairiness / virilisation is alopecia, which can have a genetic origin but also be the consequence of chemiotherapy. Hair disorders, which are often 2. hormonal / imbalanced / hereditary, may also have a psychological origin, such as 3. trichotillomania / alopecia / baldness. The opposite problem is excessive hair 4. mutation / 2 hariness / growth. In some cases it can be due to a hormonal 5. disorder / mutation / balance, mainly in women with a process of 6. hairiness / masculine hormones / virilisation or, in the most severe cases, hirsutism. Both sexes may suffer from hypertrichosis, which causes 7. beard / hairiness / hair loss all over the body or in specific areas. Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences. There are two extra words. axillary beard catagen excess eyelashes growing loss medulla moustache pubic telogen 1. ............................... protect the eyes from exernal agents. 2. The anagen phase is the hair ............................... phase. 3. Both men and women have ............................... and ............................... hair in the body. 4. The resting phase in the growth of hair is called ................................ 5. Men sometimes grow a ............................... and a ................................ 6. People can suffer from both ............................... and ............................... of hair. 97