B1+ FIRST CERTIFICATE TEST Time: 75 min. Score: ........./52 READING and USE of English Part 1 QUESTIONS 1-8 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c, d) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Video Marketing c of a new year, there s a whole lot to love At the 0. .............. about video advertising. The use of video as a marketing tool has been on the 1. .............. for the past few years. Over 85% of US internet users watch video on all their devices and more than 87% of marketers use video in their toolbox. And video is proving its bottom-line value, with video marketers 2. .............. far more qualified leads per year. Video is so 3. .............. in our daily lives, it is fascinating to take note of the new technologies, tools, and trends that are cropping up and creeping in, so what sort of video advertising trends can we expect to see? One example is video storytelling. Today, we spend a large part of our lives in front of screens, an average of 12 hours a day on our TVs and computers. This is most certainly a result of the rise of Connected TV (CTV), like Smart TVs and Apple TV, as well as OTT (Overthe-Top) streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and 0. a. daybreak 1 a. lift b. rise 2 a. generating d. first light c. climb b. accomplishing c. performing d. originating c. entrenched d. confirmed c. before d. with c. caused d. due b. set 4 a. on b. at b. rise c. dawn 3 a. formed 5 a. because Amazon. Not to mention time spent 4. .............. the other screen: the smartphone. For marketers, this creates a problem. Which screen to dominate in terms of advertising TV or mobile? With the rise of 4G and 5G networks, mobile is quickly becoming our Pocket-TV it s with us everywhere we go. Yet, simple display ads have less impact on mobile than desktop, 5. .............. to the smaller screen size that makes ad placement more awkward and disruptive. This is one of the reasons why marketers are 6. .............. to video-based storytelling strategies to engage customers and build their brand, especially on mobile. You only have to look at the trend of stories on social media 7. .............. to understand the lay of the land. After all, videos are shared a whopping 1200% more than text-content and links. Video storytelling, on the big screen and small, is 8. .............. to get popular and gain customers. b. for 87 d. up FCE 87