E X T E N S I O N THE ANGLO-SAXONS To understand the historical context of Beowulf, it is necessary to speak about the different peoples who invaded Britain in the course of history. First the Romans, who occupied it for about 400 years, from 43 CE1 to 410 CE, when Emperor Honorius called back all the Roman troops. When they left, the country remained undefended against the attacks from the savage populations of the North (the Picts and the Scots) and of Ireland; but also from the invasions of different populations of Germanic origin, who came on ships from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. At first, they came only to raid2 the eastern coast, but later they returned in greater numbers and began the real conquest. These invaders were a mix of tribes; the largest ones were the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. The land they settled in was called Angle-land , from which the name England comes. By the beginning of the 7th century, they had won the greater part of the country, while most of the original Celtic population the Britons 1. CE: an acronym meaning Current Era ; it is the same as AD which means Anno Domini . Both notations refer to the Gregorian Calendar. 2. raid: to attack suddenly. 36