3 The End of the Monster Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Put the following sentences into the correct order. a b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2 The king gave him rich gifts to reward him. Beowulf pulled off Grendel s arm. Beowulf said he would face the monster without weapons. Grendel s mother wanted revenge, so she went to the hall. Beowulf and the king followed the footprints of the monster s mother as far as a dark lake full of blood. Hrothgar ordered his men to prepare a great banquet. Beowulf decided to jump into the lake. Grendel ran away and went back to the moors to die. After the banquet, the warriors put mattresses on the floor to sleep on. She grabbed her son s arm and took away Hrothgar s friend. Making predictions. Choose one of the options. 1. In Chapter 3, you will read about what happens to Beowulf after he jumps into the lake. What do you think will happen to him? a. He will be attacked immediately by Grendel s mother. b. He will find her only after swimming for a very long time. c. He will be attacked by monsters. 2. What do you think will happen to him after he meets Grendel s mother? a. He will kill her immediately with his sword. b. She will wound him in a very serious way. c. He will have to look for a special weapon in order to kill her. 3. Now predict what will happen after the fight with Grendel s mother. a. Beowulf will find a lot of treasure in Grendel s mother s den and will bring it back to King Hrothgar. b. He will bring back the sword Hrunting and Grendel s mother s head. c. He will bring back Grendel s head. 3 Making predictions. Answer this question. What do you think will happen when Beowulf and his warriors go back to Geatland? 38