S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Complete the summary of the text with the missing words. Winston Smith is a 39-year-old, low-ranking Party member working in the Ministry of a. ............................................. for the state of b. ................................... in Airstrip One (London) the capital in the year 1984, after the Big Revolution and when the c. ............................................................................... is in power. The Party promotes d. ..............................................................................., a form of oligarchic e. .................................................................... which, in fact, is a totalitarian form of government. Winston hates his f. ............................................................................... which like the lives of all his fellow citizens is dull, exhausting, poor and constantly g. ........................................... and managed by the Party, and, some now and then, commits what are considered h. ....................................................: he writes a i. ......................................................................, he thinks about the past, he hates Big j. .................................................................. (the leader of the Party) and dreams about a better world. One day he grasps the opportunity to defy the Party again by starting a secret love k. ......................................................... with a young woman, l. ............................................... Next, following the lead of a high-ranking Party member m. ................................................ who contacts him, he also decides to join the n. ......................................................., a secret group of people led by o. ................................................ that are working to overthrow the Party. Some time later, however, both he and Julia are arrested by the p. ....................................... Police, who had been spying on him for over seven years. A long period follows when Winston is beaten, q. ............................................................... and re-educated by the same O Brien, who aims at and succeeds in curing him and making him finally r. ............................................................................... the Party and Big Brother. This bleak s. ............................................................................... novel succeeds in portraying a society where its leaders have managed to find the perfect way to keep t. ............................................................................... for power s sake forever through the complete control of people s u. .................................................... through different means: reduction of v. .............................................., manipulation of the past, a perpetual state of w. ........................................................., poverty and ignorance, propaganda and the three principles of crimestop, x. ..................................................... and doublethink. 117