2 Taking risks Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Remember the previous chapter. What is true about Oceania? Tick ( ) the correct sentences. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2 Oceania is at war with Eurasia. Winston works at the Ministry of Love. Winston supports the Party. Big Brother is loved by the population. Children tend to report their parents. You cannot express negative emotions against the Party. Emmanuel Goldstein is the leader of the Party. Winston s mother died because she had loved him. Telescreens monitor the population continuously. Newspapers are reliable. Read the title of the next chapter. What risks do you think Winston is going to take? Tick ( ) what you think he will do. a. He will buy a book. b. He will not show his hate during a session of the Two Minutes Hate. c. He will not go to a programmed meeting. d. He will enter a pub and talk to a prole. e. He will sing an old song. f. He will keep writing in his diary. 3 We are used to taking many things for granted in our society. Read the list of examples and add another three things you take for granted. The past cannot be changed. There are books to read. Two plus two make four. Gravity pulls us towards the ground. If you re free, you re not a slave. Language is enriched every day to express nuances. .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... 23