Winston Smith 1 BEFORE READING Chapter 1 1984 is set over 30 years after it was written.What kind of future do you think it features? a. A happy, self-sufficient society living with nature. b. A society of brainless humans controlled by alien beings. c. A society of workers controlled by a totalitarian oligarchy. d. A society of intelligent humans living in a scientifically advanced world. 2 Which aspects are typical of a democratic (D) or a totalitarian (T) government and society? a. There are several parties. b. All decisions are made by the state. c. Uniformity is welcomed. d. Equality is at the basis of justice. e. Wars are avoided at all costs. f. One party dominates. g. Well-being for everybody is promoted. h. Justice is manipulated and follows ad hoc principles. i. Decisions are made by the state and the individuals. j. Differences are appreciated and welcomed. k. A state of war is convenient. l. Well-being is reserved for a restricted group of people. 3 Choose the correct definition and example for the word paradox. What are the other two definitions and examples for? a. Unnecessary use of two expressions with the same meaning. b. Humorous use of an expression that has several meanings or that sounds like another one. c. Statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposite ideas. 1. Deep down, you re really shallow. 2. PIN number 3. You were right, so I left. 6