Before reading Room 101 - Chapter 6 a. A special machine for torture. ▢ b. The person you care for the most who is tortured in front of you. ▢ c. Big Brother. ▢ d. What you fear the most. ▢ e. An operating theatre for surgical operations. ▢ f. Prisoners form Eastasia. ▢ g. Goldstein and members of the Brotherhood. ▢ 1 What do you think is in room 101? Tick (✓) the appropriate answer/s. .............................................................................. 2 What do you think will happen to Winston at the end of the book? a. They are doing it because it’s their natural right. ▢ b. They are doing it because it is God’s will. ▢ c. They are doing it because they want to feel superior. ▢ d. They are doing it for the good of the population. ▢ e. They are doing it because the population asked them to. ▢ f. They are doing it because they love power. ▢ 3 What reasons do leaders generally give to justify their position of power? Tick (✓) the appropriate answer/s. Then, answer the question. ..................................................................... What do you think is the reason the Party will give Winston?