Room 101 BEFORE READING 1 Chapter What do you think is in room 101? Tick ( ) the appropriate answer/s. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2 6 A special machine for torture. The person you care for the most who is tortured in front of you. Big Brother. What you fear the most. An operating theatre for surgical operations. Prisoners form Eastasia. Goldstein and members of the Brotherhood. What do you think will happen to Winston at the end of the book? .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 What reasons do leaders generally give to justify their position of power? Tick ( ) the appropriate answer/s.Then, answer the question. a. b. c. d. e. f. They are doing it because it s their natural right. They are doing it because it is God s will. They are doing it because they want to feel superior. They are doing it for the good of the population. They are doing it because the population asked them to. They are doing it because they love power. What do you think is the reason the Party will give Winston? ..........................................................................................................................................................