5 The Tragedy Chapter BEFORE READING 1 In the next chapter some of the characters die. Predict who they are and how they die. .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Who said this? a. A lot of these newly rich people are just big bootleggers. b. Can t repeat the past? Why, of course you can! c. I hear you dismissed all your servants. d. My precious darling, come to your mother who loves you. e. What shall we do with ourselves this afternoon? f. Her voice is full of money. g. You think I m dumb, don t you? h. I want to get away, I ve been here too long. i. What kind of trouble are you trying to cause in my house? j. You loved me, too? 3 .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... In the previous chapter we learned that Gatsby is a bootlegger involved in criminal activities. How will Daisy and Nick react to this revelation? Make predictions and choose one option. a. Daisy will 1. leave Tom and marry Gatsby anyway. 2. remain with Tom. 3. leave both Gatsby and Tom and live an independent life. b. Nick will 1. refuse to believe that Gatsby is a criminal. 2. remain friendly towards Gatsby. 3. break off all relations with Gatsby. 79